Keeping a finger on the pulse

Now or never – say goodbye to Sudden Weather Change

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Each of us has thought probably at least once of the soundtrack of our lives. Without a blink I am able to say that my soundtrack contains Sudden Weather Change songs. I had been waiting to experience this four-piece rock band on the stage for a quite long time and it had taken me more than two years to discover step by step how good they are live. Still, I didn’t expect I will be so excited for that November night in 2013 at Gamli Gaukurinn even though it was my first and at the same time, sadly, the last feast with Sudden Weather Change. Funeral parties at Gamli Gaukurinn are kind of epic, would you agree? Do you know that good feeling when you’re in the right place, with proper people, at the right time? Sudden Weather Change had their admirers not only in the first row although that one without doubt was splendid. The crowd’s love for the guys was palpable. Last time I reached this level of happiness during some other concert that took place in Poland but I cannot even remember when exactly it happened. But I wasn’t the only one there at Gamli Gaukurinn so grateful for this show. The last performance of Sudden Weather Change was a gig that you actually don’t care about losing your glasses at and you don’t give a damn about the fact that the glasses could drift away and never come back in their entirety. You just simply couldn’t

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