Keeping a finger on the pulse


Keep Your Finger On The Pulse! #02

in Explore/Issue #2 by

Words by Stína Satanía It’s that time of the year again: Iceland Airwaves is coming! It’s simply the biggest sonic feast for the Icelandic music scene, and us fans can feel our pulse rising to dangerous heights from sheer excitement. We’d all love to be able to clone ourselves just for this one week, just to be able to see all of our favorite artists. Here are a few acts that you absolutely shouldn’t miss in the on or off venues: (more…)

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KRÍA: more videos from Altaka EP

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KRÍA is an artistic pseudonym of a London based vocalist, composer and producer Elísa Hildur Einarsdóttir that originally comes from Reykjavík. This year, KRÍA released her sophomore EP entitled Altaka. We can enjoy a lot of dark downtempo electronica. Following the release, the artists reveals step by step new videos that show the new record as actually collection of 4 original audio-visual pieces that are written and recorded by Elísa Hildur herself. It´s worth to mention that KRÍA was the first ever artist from Iceland to play at Singapores Grand Prix! What are the songs by KRÍA about? The artist explains. Skin: I wrote Skin out of frustration. It was sort of reinventing my values, what I want from life and accepting myself physically and mentally. Last year I didn’t know if things were going to end well for me and at that time everything was really unclear about my…

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