Reykjavík Pride
Here in Reykjavík more than anywhere else, the power of unity has grown to be embodied in the ultimate annual action for the Queer community since the first Pride Parade in 1999. Twenty years ago, Reykjavík Pride was attended by a tiny group of people who proudly showed their faces – themselves as who they really were – to the city for a weekend. Now, it’s ten days of pure energy, humour, respect, glowing enthusiasm and camaraderie, which mostly takes place within Reykjavík’s 101 postal code. 2019’s Pride included a variety of organised festivities, including but not limited to the opening ceremony, a cruise, educational events, the Icelandic Royal Drag Competition and, of course, the Reykjavík Pride Parade. Let’s not forget a couple of the wonderful hosting venues, Gaukurinn and Kiki Queer Bar, true staples of the Queer community that have been instrumental in bringing more and more people from…