Keeping a finger on the pulse

house gig

Watching you, watching me, watching Muck

in Live by

Once upon a time I met in Cracow four pretty cool guys from Reykjavík. They just stopped by my absolutely favorite district and gave a show, one of a dozen of them on their European tour. Before the gig I heard among others about joy of being challenged with new music and new sounds. Those four guys brought to (then) my city a kind of volcanic eruption since as soon as they entered the stage they turned from pretty cool people into crazy, fast and angry creatures teaching me immediately that I will not forget the name of Muck. Indeed, they provoked me. And also they challenged me saying that everything for a forth-coming album is ready but in the end I have waited for Your Joyous Future for over 2,5 year. Here comes out the second album of Muck – finally, February 24th! Damn, I easily became a Master…

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