Keeping a finger on the pulse

Dream Wife

Dream Wife Are Here, and They’re Changing the World

in Explore/Issue #4 by

Words by Jeff Obermeyer Photo by Marcus Getta I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from Dream Wife as I waited for them to take the stage in Harpa’s Silfurberg room. I was already a huge fan of Iceland-born singer Rakel Mjöll, having fallen in love with her performance on Halleluwah’s self-titled 2015 album, but I expected this to be something different from the old-school lounge stylings of that project. And it was. It was punk, and honest, and powerful, and Dream Wife were immediately in heavy rotation on my iPod. The band’s back story is fairly well-known. In 2014, Rakel Mjöll connected with a pair of Brighton University classmates, Brits Alice Go and Bella Podpadec, to form a band as part of an art project. With Go on guitar and Podpadec on bass, the trio created a This Is Spinal Tap-like mockumentary and performed live in a gallery. Things…

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