Keeping a finger on the pulse


Lizardfest 2018

in News/NEWS by

Are you in Reykjavík on May 15th and have no plans for the evening? Let Lizardfest suck you in! It’s a rock music festival that takes place at the well-known concert venue Gaukurinn (Tryggvagata 22). The festival is held to honour the memory of Bjarni Jóhannes Ólafsson, who was the frontman of stoner/party rock band Churchhouse Creepers. They flooded it’s way into the Icelandic music scene like a tsunami in 2015. Bjarni had been figthing depression and anxiety for some years, and lost that battle in April 2017, nevertheless, we want to keep this awesome party going (that he started), like Bjarni himself would have wanted wrote Dagur Atlason, member of Churchhouse Creepers, in the statement about the event. We´ve managed to put together a pretty awesome line-up with bands consisting with most of his best friends including one of his all time favourite band, Elder which was founded in…

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in BLOG/Live by

It was Friday night, June 12th, the time of the year when it’s still bright in Iceland even after midnight. The countdown in the darkness of Gaukurinn, a venue in downtown Reykjavík, was over. Finally, the day of musical fireworks had come, and I was armed with a beer as my excitement jumped . I was ready for the show that would proudly kick off my weekend. Only bands like the progressive post-metal Kontinuum and hardcore Muck knew how to scratch me nicely behind the ears. This year, I was told by an expert in the Icelandic music scene that Kontinuum was a band to watch. Indeed, they have played together since 2010 and recently released their second album, Kyrr. They started the show with the album-opening song that drifts between progressive post-metal and dream-wave. Immediately, ʻBreatheʼ made me feel that Kyrr would fit perfectly into my parents’ mysterious cassette…

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Journey of the time with Dynfari

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Stimulate my imagination. Dynfari with its atmospheric black metal has achieved that. They promised me a trip to another world. Experiencing live the new material from the album entitled Vegferð tímans I was profoundly moved by Dynfari and, in fact, provoked in an artistic way. Some of you have probably already heard of Dynfari since 2010 when the band was formed but I will not stop myself from giving you a meaningful comparison. The band that consists of four members on a stage (Jóhann Örn – vocal and guitar, Jón Emil – drums, Hjálmar – bass and Bragi – guitar) works for me with such a force as Sigur Rós did in the initial dark period that accompanied me while I was taking my first steps into my very own Icelandic world. You know, those times when Jónsi was still long-haired and Kjartan was joking that they play in honor…

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Burning Ottoman and Alchemia

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Years ago I had a neighbor who played drums. I have never seen him in action but I guess at least a half of the huge apartment building, that I lived in and, moreover, there were more or less 140 apartments, could hear him while he was vigorously mastering his skills barely 2 floors away from me. My mom, who loves rather singer-songwriters than hard rock, has been describing him in those words: he’s a good child but he throws pancakes through the window from the 5th floor and plays drums like a caveman. I’m wondering now what would she say about Ottoman’s drummer since even I am able to say that he mistreats his drum-kit… in a good way. But going back to the point, before I will tell you a story how crazy Ottoman stole the show at Gaukurinn on March 21st a band called Alchemia deserves to…

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Now or never – say goodbye to Sudden Weather Change

in Live by

Each of us has thought probably at least once of the soundtrack of our lives. Without a blink I am able to say that my soundtrack contains Sudden Weather Change songs. I had been waiting to experience this four-piece rock band on the stage for a quite long time and it had taken me more than two years to discover step by step how good they are live. Still, I didn’t expect I will be so excited for that November night in 2013 at Gamli Gaukurinn even though it was my first and at the same time, sadly, the last feast with Sudden Weather Change. Funeral parties at Gamli Gaukurinn are kind of epic, would you agree? Do you know that good feeling when you’re in the right place, with proper people, at the right time? Sudden Weather Change had their admirers not only in the first row although that…

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