Keeping a finger on the pulse

Journey of the time with Dynfari

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Stimulate my imagination. Dynfari with its atmospheric black metal has achieved that. They promised me a trip to another world. Experiencing live the new material from the album entitled Vegferð tímans I was profoundly moved by Dynfari and, in fact, provoked in an artistic way. Some of you have probably already heard of Dynfari since 2010 when the band was formed but I will not stop myself from giving you a meaningful comparison. The band that consists of four members on a stage (Jóhann Örn – vocal and guitar, Jón Emil – drums, Hjálmar – bass and Bragi – guitar) works for me with such a force as Sigur Rós did in the initial dark period that accompanied me while I was taking my first steps into my very own Icelandic world. You know, those times when Jónsi was still long-haired and Kjartan was joking that they play in honor of Satan. The last of three Dynfari‘s albums, Vegferð tímans, made me fall into the darkness in my headphones so deep that I forgot about the fact I was lying on the most uncomfortable mattress I have ever used. During those 56 minutes I opened my eyes only once. On May 16th, Dynfari played the release show of the third album in depths of Gaukurinn and stimulated my imagination with post black metal to such an extent that it was hard for me to decide whether I was feeling more magic with my eyes closed or looking at a hell

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