Keeping a finger on the pulse

Gimme gimme gimme… goosebumps – CeaseTone

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You know what? I lost my faith in many things. For example I do not believe anymore that Iceland raises only (!) phenomenal musicians. So I am picky and sometimes I arrive at a venue with the thought: surprise me, setting the bar quite high at the same time and being sure it won’t be reached. When I’m not in a good mood it’s not that easy to satisfy me with music. However, I heard CeaseTone once in a radio a year ago or so. Hafsteinn Þráinsson, a brain and a boss of the project, played solo. There was only his voice and his guitar. Oops, I did it again and forgot something very important in between. His fingers. And the way they move. Last year CeaseTone played quite a lot around but somehow I didn’t end up at the gig. But the last Saturday at Loft Hostel I couldn’t find any excuse to miss it out. He performed on stage together with Lockerbie, his other band and yes, they are alive! So it was pretty strong pro-choice argument for coming to this show. And well… I guess I haven’t mentioned yet about such a significant matter like a drummer of CeaseTone. You should know that stelpur rokkar… so does she. She rocks, end of story. Just watch her playing. As a band they simply storm through a couple of songs including brand new material and upcoming single. Hafsteinn seemed to be a vigorous train driver that together with his

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