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Between Mountains won Músíktilraunir 2017

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A duo from Westfjords, Between Mountains, won the most famous Icelandic competition for young talents – Músíktilraunir 2017. The band was formed in the beginning of March by 14-year-old Katla Vigdís Vernharðsdóttir and 16-year-old Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir. Katla began early her successful adventure with performing music. She composes music and writes lyrics for Between Mountains. Besides, she sings and plays guitar. Ásrós has been attended a music school since she was 5. In Between Mountains she sings and plays xylophone. Although the girls don´t live in the same town, they meet up in Ísafjörður to rehearse at the music school there. Enjoy their music! Fingers crossed for their future! Facebook TweetLike this:Like Loading...

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