Keeping a finger on the pulse

9 drops of sound of March

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Slow down for a second and give a try to 9 new Icelandic songs that were released in March. What happened then, you would ask. HAM comes back with new single Vestur Berlín. Sólstafir revealed another single from the up-coming album entitled Bláfjall. Low Roar recorded a song with JFDR called Bones. Sin Fang, Örvar Smárason and Sóley presented another part of their monthly collaboration – Wasted. Ösp Eldjarn´s debut album is out and you can enjoy soothing sounds of Bak við fossinn. We got more details about the sound of Ásgeir´s new album thanks to Stardust. Amabadama announced a new song Ganga á eftir þér. Blakkat unveils new album so listen to Calling Suzie. And last but not least, Endless Dark is back with the new album so check out Warriors. Follow Reykjavík On Stage on Spotify! TweetLike this:Like Loading...

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