Keeping a finger on the pulse


Geislandi hljóðsköpun kvenna

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Pistillinn var skrifaður fyrir Tengivagninn á Rás1 og birtist þar, þriðjudaginn 11. ágúst 2020. Laugardagar eru djassdagar á mínu heimili og nýlega kom í ljós að sunnudagar, sérstaklega í sumar, eru tónleikadagar, réttara sagt Pikknikk Tónleika dagar. Það er vikuleg tónleikasería Norræna hússins, sem haldin er í góðu veðri undir berum himni. Gæsir og endur synda á tjörninni við húsið og útsýnið yfir borgina er einstakt. Í huggulegu og fallegu umhverfi gróðarhússins hélt ég eitt augnablik að ég væri stödd í sænskri sveit. En rödd MIMRU, söngkonnunar og lagahöfundarins Maríu Magnúsdóttur, lokkaði mig tilbaka til Reykjavíkur. MIMRA gaf út fyrstu plötuna sína “Sinking Island” árið 2017 og vakti strax athygli. Því tel ég mig rosalega heppna að hafa sótt tónleikana í Norræna Húsinu þar sem hún frumflutti nýjasta lagið sitt “Sister”. En lykillinn að pistlinum í dag var lokalag tónleikanna “Right Where You Belong”, sem hljómaði út úr gróðurhúsinu í…

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Right Where MIMRA Belongs

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At the beginning of this year, the electro-acoustic orchestral pop music project MIMRA released its latest single ‘Right Where You Belong’. Behind the project is María Magnúsdóttir, born in Iceland in 1984. María is a singer, composer, producer, and music teacher as well as a vocal tutor. Even before releasing her solo material as MIMRA, she had gained well-earned attention throughout the years for her wide-range jazz vocals and distinctive musical arrangements. María carves her own sonic space between the electronic vibes of beats, loops and synths, and multi-layered classic arrangements. We met on the occasion of her single release to talk about her musical path. Musical Upbringing Perhaps María’s parents were not deeply immersed in music, but María still grew up in a house with a record player and a few albums. The music heard in her home ranged from Vivaldi to classical and church music to…Stuðmenn. ‘I think…

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Mimra – Sinking Island

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Words by Stína Satanía The review was originally printed in Reykjavík On Stage (Issue 3) Sinking Island, a new album by MIMRA, is a fascinating treat on the subject of vocal experiences. Hidden under the name MIMRA, singer, producer and composer María Magnúsdóttir offers powerful and dramatic vibes. Her electro-acoustic folk pop arrangements are bold and rich, and her beautiful voice is indeed striking. María has been active on the local music scene – especially the jazz scene – for quite some time. Her previous experiences with electro-pop duo Early Late Twenties gave her a base to work on her own, more electro-acoustic, material. MIMRA’s solo debut, Not Your Housewife, was released in 2009 to rave reviews. The next album took her a few years to complete. Sinking Island, as it would ultimately be titled, took shape in the Netherlands and England, and eventually became her master’s thesis in popular…

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MIMRA released Sinking Island

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The Reykjavík singer, producer and composer MIMRA offers powerful and dramatic album Sinking Island with bold and rich arranged electro-acoustic folk pop and stunning voice. The album contains twelve original compositions and delivers intense inner energy. Sinking Island had been created over a few years when María Magnúsdóttir, a brain behind MIMRA, lived in the Netherlands and England. Eventually the album became her master thesis in Popular Music at Goldsmiths, University of London. María Magnúsdóttir has been active on the local music scene for a several years. Her solo début album was out in 2007 to rave reviews. On her latest album, Sinking Island, MIMRA captures themes of love, heartache, anger and happiness. She carves her own space between electronic vibes and multi-layered classic arrangements for a full band. From the very first song of the album, Our Great Escape, MIMRA grabs attention with her wide range of voice and…

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