Keeping a finger on the pulse

Pink Street Boys

It Might Get Loud – Smells Like (Pink Street) Boys

in Explore/Issue #3/REVIEWS by

Words by Stína Satanía The review was originally printed in Reykjavík On Stage (Issue 3) If you have never listened to the self-proclaimed loudest band of Iceland, let me give you a littledirection on how to wake up your neighbours on a Saturday morning with their latest bunch offurious punk rock songs. In October 2017, Pink Street Boys released the explosive Smells Like Boys on vinyl. The band took the local music scene by storm when they emerged under this name in 2013, and their garage punk smell, indeed, wafted across Iceland’s borders, resulting in asuccessful tour of the UK and continental Europe last year. Smells Like Boys might get loud. The album proves that the Pink Street gang is no less vicious andrebellious than when they released their first cassette in 2014 (Trash from the Boys), and they won’t allow anyone to keep them down (try it at your…

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Provoking Muck, Pink Street Boys and Oyama on Friday the 13th

in Live by

I’m about to make a deal with this crazy blowing Icelandic wind. If there will be more shows like that one at Húrra on legendary Friday the 13th, I will stop caring about that horrible howling and annoying sound in the background and always wet glasses that don’t allow me to see the world around. Then the only one thing I will maybe care about will be your joyous future. Yours, mine but I’m not 100% about everyone else’s. So, should I first tell you the reason why I’m almost able to have a pact with the Devil? Well, I don’t believe the Black Friday brings good or bad luck. Although I got up on the wrong side of the bed it didn’t really matter since I had been waiting for that day so goddam long. We have all been waiting. Finally, Muck released its sophomore album entitled Your Joyous…

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Kickin’ the trash out with Pink Street Boys

in Live by

This year Reykjavík Grapevine wrote an article about the most interesting bathrooms in 101 and there is definitely something about it. I got used to see in those temples of contemplation many art pieces including even Hate The Comfort drawings (hell yeah, check it out!) but this month I was just hanging out in one of very popular venues of Reykjavik downtown… and while washing my hands I stared at the mirror. Instead of my face I saw three big letters P S B. Exactly in this order. Pink Street Boys. How could I not smile to my thoughts? Some women’s rooms are better than others. That one definitely contained positive vibes. A garage punk band Pink Street Boys claims that the guys are actually the loudest team in the city. I think I’m still able to argue with this thesis because nobody has unplugged them yet during the show…

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