Words by Wim Van Hooste
They said we were trash
Well the name is Crass, not Clash
They can stuff their punk credentials
Cos it’s them that take the cash
What’s the link between the label/band Crass and Iceland? Let me try to explain…
What about Crass?
No cult of personality
In 1977, the English collective and punk rock band CRASS was formed. These ‘pur sang’ anarchists promoted anarchism as a political ideology, a way of life and a resistance movement. The anarcho-punk movement of CRASS was about the punk subculture, advocating direct action, animal rights and environmentalism. The ‘Do It Yourself’ punk ethic approach was used in all of their leaflets, sound collages, albums and movies. So you could see CRASS as a sort of ‘art punk’, well known for their anti-war, anarchist, feminist and anti-consumerist graffiti.
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