Keeping a finger on the pulse


God’s lonely man – Pétur Ben

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For actually a few years I haven’t celebrated Easter but Aldrei Fór Ég Suður festival in West Fjords instead. Of course, my luck hasn’t let me also last year to end up in Ísafjörður in person (maybe 2016?) but at least it reminded me how I discovered one of the most impressive and estimable artists of Iceland. Believe me, watching an annual broadcast of all the performances of Aldrei Fór Ég Suður while sitting in not too comfortable chair is probably not the best idea so it happened I had a nap. But can you imagine that you are waking up to the sounds that knock your socks off? Then I didn’t know who was performing with that entire band but I found out quite quick that his name is Pétur. Pétur Ben. After several years of following this artist I have to admit one thing – whatever Pétur Ben…

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Driving you through the snowstorm with Fufanu

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The Winter Light Festival is trying to kick the darkness out from the city. Days are getting brighter and seems like a summer depression is slowly sneaking into our life. Open your doors wider, catch some disappearing dimness as long as you can do it. Also let Fufanu in. Or better run after them in the snowstorm if you have an opportunity because it seems like lately they play more abroad than on our playground. That’s what we actually want for them, isn’t it? So good for them. Not that slowly but definitely steady Fufanu makes it to the top. Do you know this unspoken feeling under your skin when you see some band for the first time and in the calm before the storm you know that something meaningful will happen to that team? With a dark, heavy and a bit electronic sound Fufanu creates a specific atmosphere that…

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Watching you, watching me, watching Muck

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Once upon a time I met in Cracow four pretty cool guys from Reykjavík. They just stopped by my absolutely favorite district and gave a show, one of a dozen of them on their European tour. Before the gig I heard among others about joy of being challenged with new music and new sounds. Those four guys brought to (then) my city a kind of volcanic eruption since as soon as they entered the stage they turned from pretty cool people into crazy, fast and angry creatures teaching me immediately that I will not forget the name of Muck. Indeed, they provoked me. And also they challenged me saying that everything for a forth-coming album is ready but in the end I have waited for Your Joyous Future for over 2,5 year. Here comes out the second album of Muck – finally, February 24th! Damn, I easily became a Master…

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Kickin’ the trash out with Pink Street Boys

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This year Reykjavík Grapevine wrote an article about the most interesting bathrooms in 101 and there is definitely something about it. I got used to see in those temples of contemplation many art pieces including even Hate The Comfort drawings (hell yeah, check it out!) but this month I was just hanging out in one of very popular venues of Reykjavik downtown… and while washing my hands I stared at the mirror. Instead of my face I saw three big letters P S B. Exactly in this order. Pink Street Boys. How could I not smile to my thoughts? Some women’s rooms are better than others. That one definitely contained positive vibes. A garage punk band Pink Street Boys claims that the guys are actually the loudest team in the city. I think I’m still able to argue with this thesis because nobody has unplugged them yet during the show…

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Open up your fridge, they will be there – Grísalappalísa

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I opened my fridge in the morning to grab something to eat. My gaze fell upon a ham package. Weird, immediately a picture of a little blond smiling boy appeared in my mind. Looks like Ali. Ali… Wait, what?! Ok, since that moment I hadn’t needed any cup of coffee, this coincidence just kicked me strong enough. Apparently, the debut album of Grísalappalísa and a brand of ham have way more in common than I used to think. Welcome in Iceland. Pig-legged Lísa (Grísalappalísa) set her first steps in Reykjavík previous spring. She has been loud and really spectacular. It´s actually nothing strange about that because the band is created by seven experienced musicians that this time made… an explosive mixture. They promised they won´t let listeners stay untouched and, no soap, they have kept a pledge! When I saw them first time at Volta, one of their very first…

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Going by lift to heaven – Mono Town

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Have you ever received a birthday gift that knocked your socks off? I was enough lucky to get an entire festival for my first birthday celebrated in Iceland, woohoo! I will endlessly bless organizers of Reykjavik Music Mess for that. Seeing a band like Mono Town closing the third and the last day of the festival was the kind of experience that will get stuck for a long time in your mind. It was Sunday, around midnight so people started leaving the concert room of venue called Volta that no longer exists (under the name Volta… but right now it’s our good good Húrra) because next day was Monday and the last foreign artists just got off stage (yeah, Withered Hand, you were so good). Before the gig I hadn’t known much about the band except the fact they are pretty promising team. Ok, shame on me. Now I understand…

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Getting in the ring with legends – HAM

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Do you know that feeling when after such an incredible gig you just need a glass of beer? Not even a cigarette that may decorate this moment, maybe just because it was a crazy windy day in the dark Reykjavík. You were speechless. Noone could rub out a wild smile from your face. You thought that possibly maybe the universe was just destroyed so you were moving in no time and no space. Although you were in the middle of the storm called Iceland Airwaves, you actually didn´t need to see any other band tonight. That was enough joy. That was a blast. (more…)

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