Keeping a finger on the pulse

Dancing your shoes off – Brim

in Live by
Water. Water is all you need. After Brim gig. I mean… Christmas ball. I haven’t danced that much since… ah, since I saw them first time when they danced on a table almost crashing my glass of beer. But of course, I would forgive them as soon as I would see those big smiles on their faces that actually can eat you alive if somehow you didn’t join the party. It was August and I simply ended up in the right place at the right time. I was asked then if I like surf rock. I guess my answer now would be definitely more enthusiastic (damn, ask me again, please!). Well, people who haven’t watched Harold and Maude can definitely talk to my hand (the same will probably happen if you haven’t seen yet Pulp Fiction but here I’m a bit more indulgent…). So from now on those who don’t like surf music can go back home, listen to some 60s surf and maybe then we will talk again. Brim is a remarkable phenomenon. I used to not prickle with love for bands that finished their adventure around 20 years ago and just came back on stage like nothing has happened nor changed. It reminds me of dinosaurs. But those actually roam the earth so why do I care? I also used to not prickle with love for cover bands. And here we have Brim. Tadam! Can I choke now with my pointless music habits? Their outstanding performances can be

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